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The Full Moon in Leo occurs Monday 21st January, and coincides with a Total Lunar Eclipse. The eclipses are peak points of evolutionary development, and they follow along with the Nodes of Moon. This eclipse in Leo on Monday finalises the 18 month cycle of the Leo/Aquarius season. The Nodes of the Moon moved out of Leo/Aquarius and into Cancer/Capricorn in November 2018.

The January eclipse season, beginning with the Partial Solar Eclipse in Capricorn on 6th January and culminating with the Total Lunar Eclipse on Monday in Leo, has given us an opportunity to be brought into an awareness of how the current structures we have in our lives are limiting our creative self-expression.

Capricorn is all about structure, rules and order, all necessary for each of us and for society for our lives to function. However, when our lives become governed by these Capricorn themes, there is the potential of leaving little room for any creativity and imagination. The Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo is asking us to let go of any outdated structures that hinder our heart’s true joy, our passion, our creativity and our self-expression. Leo here is bursting to come to life! We all have that special something within us that is our spark, the thing that makes us tingle, smile with joy, daydream about and get lost in when we allow ourselves to indulge in it.

Go there.

Feel that spark….feel it?

Sit with that feeling, that excitement, that joy, that anticipation….

Now, what is it in your life that is holding you back from being able to live this feeling?

What structures are in place that are unnecessary, that are not for your highest good and hinder your creative self-expression?

Full Moons are an opportune time to let go of anything we no longer need, whether that be a way of thinking, a relationship, a career, a habit or addiction etc. Something in your life needs to go to allow room for you to delve into the possibility of your own creative self-expression. Will you have the heart of a Lion and fearlessly move into whatever it is that makes your shine?

Find your creative spark

Saturn in Capricorn Sextile Neptune in Pisces

Helping us along with this theme of letting go, Neptune in Pisces is in a favourable aspect to Saturn in Capricorn. Neptune/Pisces is great for dissolution, culmination, ending. It is in this space to help us dissolve the structures (Saturn/Capricorn) that are no longer working, helping us to let go of what is hindering our growth.

Pluto, Mercury, South Node in Capricorn Conjunct Sun in Aquarius; Pluto Conjunct Saturn in Capricorn Square Mars in Aries

Very well, I hear you ask….if I let go of my structures, what next? There needs to be some structure, surely?! No fear – Capricorn has a whole host of planets in and around it, ensuring that we are supported with any changes that we make, we will be assisted to take things slowly, but surely, getting our grounding, setting our own structure, building organically in a methodical and measured manner. This is not a time of dropping out of society and completely going wild…no, this is a time for setting up new structures that are aligned with and support our passions and creativity. The Sun nearby in Aquarius is helping us to see our individual spark. Mars in Aries wants to go, go, go – but in a square to Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn we are being guided to slow down and take our time setting things into place.

Capricorn will support us to take measured, grounded steps to build our new structure

Uranus in Aries in a T-Square to the North and South Nodes; Square Mercury & Pluto in Capricorn; Square Sun in Aquarius

Ah, Uranus, the great destabiliser! These aspects are actually great in my opinion. I love a bit of Uranus action, it shakes things up, provides shocks and surprises and helps keep life interesting! A square aspect is generally considered challenging, and here it is, but it’s challenging for the greater good. The overall theme of this eclipse, and for this year really, is to let go of old, restrictive structures, and create new, supportive ones instead. Uranus in Mars, ready to initiate change, is in on this action and will be helping us with this – potentially in a messy, possibly painful, and in your face way – but in the long run it will help us be where we need to be. On an individual plane, it may manifest in such ways such as clashes in relationships regarding previously agreed upon roles, communication outbursts, power struggles at work or at home, resignations or sackings from your job, changes or disassociations from groups etc. On a collective plane we will see more of a ‘balancing of the feminine’ type movements happening (think the new Gillette advertisement). Previously strong structures such as governments, corporations, patriarchal systems etc will all be given a shake up. These aspects with Uranus will be around for much of the year, as Uranus is a slow moving transit, as is Pluto, as are the Nodes of the Moon. So change and shake up is coming and is here, however the long term effects may not be seen for some time. Uranus is part of it though, so both individually, and collectively - expect the unexpected!

Jupiter & Venus Conjunct in Sagittarius; Square Neptune in Pisces; Trine Mars in Aries

So we finish on a happy, pleasant note. Jupiter and Venus love each other – it’s joy, love, expansion, fun, beauty and pleasure. This little pairing will help us balance out the heaviness of all the letting go and setting up of new structures. It will help us see the joy in the simple pleasures of life, and help us to appreciate and have gratitude for what we have despite any ongoing or new challenges that may arise due to these heavier transits. With them in a square to Neptune in Pisces we are further assisted in helping us to discern and dissolve what is unnecessary regarding our beliefs, needs, vanities and possessions. The trine to Mars in Aries gives us get up go, helping us to make necessary changes in these areas, but also firing up our sexual, romantic and fun sides. Being human does have it’s challenges – but the physical pleasures can be pretty great too!

So, enjoy this Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo. It is a great period for change, creativity, setting up new structures to build upon for the future, love and expansion.

Much love,




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