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Transits and Astrology

When I contemplate the planetary transits in my personal natal chart, and what it is my Soul has come to work on in this lifetime, I actually feel quite overwhelmed and a little pissed off about the themes I’ve got going on. I realise the reason I’m a bit pissed about it is because they are trigger areas in my life…hence totally what I should be working on!! Crap!

So anyway, in Evolutionary Astrology, we are concerned with the Evolution of the Soul, rather than just the personality traits for this lifetime. Evolutionary Astrology prescribes to the thought that Pluto represents the Soul, and that the purpose of the Soul incarnating into different lives is so it can experience it’s desires separate of Source, however as each separating desire of Source is experienced it is eventually realised that there is no separation from Source. This can be visualised if you consider the ocean and the wave – the wave is seemingly separate from the ocean, however, when all is said and done the wave returns to and is part of it’s source – the ocean. Therefore, our desires are basically just experiences we choose, almost like having to prove to ourselves that there is nothing else but Source, all desires eventually lead back to Source anyway. Yet we still need to go through it. As we go through this process the Soul evolves. I’m not sure if I’m making sense there, I guess part of me feels it’s a bit like being a teenager. We feel a real need, or desire, to experience things, to do things our way, to not just do or be what we are told. As we go through this process we grow up and evolve, yet the end result is always the same in the realisation that we are all just human and not so different from each other after all regardless of our age or generation.

With that said, Pluto in the natal chart is obviously quite important and the transit of Pluto (where Pluto is at this point in time) in relation to our natal charts is very revealing with what it is we are working on at any given time and for this lifetime. Being the very most outer planet, Pluto’s transit is very slow, for example, I am 41, when I was born Pluto was positioned halfway through the sign of Libra, since then it has transited on through Scorpio, Sagittarius, and is currently about halfway through Capricorn. The signs that Pluto transits through affects us all collectively in one way or another as the theme will all be similar for all of us. However, the house that Pluto is transiting through according to your individual chart will give the greatest clue for you as an individual to see what deep Soul work needs to be triggered and worked on at that particular moment.

In my chart there are recurring themes around relationships, co-dependence, betrayal, loss & abandonment, beliefs, spirituality, emotional sensitivity & insecurity and individuality. As planets transit or move through the chart specific themes may be triggered for me to pay attention to. With Pluto in Capricorn at the moment it is transiting through my 7th house which is concerned with such themes as relationships, values, your place in society and in relation to the ‘other’. Pluto is a powerful force and moves through the zodiac bringing confrontations, losses, endings and transformations. A planet moving into a house is particularly potentially destructive. For example, when transiting Pluto moved into my 7th house it brought huge change and loss to my life with the event of my mum getting sick and subsequently dying of cancer. Mothers are obviously a huge influence in our life, with this happening at this time I was confronted with the devastating reality that relationships can teach us a lot about ourselves, give us great joy and opportunity to extend joy and love to another…however we can not rely on any outside relationship to bring us strength, validation, affirmation, love or joy…this needs to be cultivated within ourselves, for ourselves. Having reliance or expectation on another can lead to co-dependence and potentially put us in a position of powerlessness, victim mentality and weakness.

Following the transits of the planets can give great insight and clarity into what is potentially going on in our life and also what overriding themes we may be coming across in the future. It DOES NOT read the future for us!! Astrology is not predicting the future. It is beneficial in helping us recognise areas of potential growth and evolution. It merely advises themes and possibilities. This however is hugely beneficial in itself. It gives us insight, affirmation, and guidance. Being triggered because of something that is in your natal chart, or by a transiting planet, is a fantastic opportunity for us to look into ourselves and question why we are being triggered, what is it that is upsetting us and why, and try to use it as a motivation for change, growth and evolution.

Ultimately, astrology is a tool we can use, like so many other modalities available to us at this time, to help us awaken to our true selves, release and let go of trauma, increase our energetic vibration, heal and evolve. If you are interested in learning about where the transiting planets are affecting your chart get in touch to find out more.

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